Our Mission
The GEC, a specialist organization in the Energy World, has developed and continues to develop, with international scientific partners an independent unified standard for ESG in the Energy World: The GEC-ESG Standard.Join the Global Energy Council
Engage in strategic dialogue with the energy leaders of today and the future,
build capabilities and help shape the energy future.
The GEC-ESG Standard is unique in its independence and scientific relevance. It is not guided by any ideological, political or economic interests. The GEC-ESG Standard is developed with the most trusted, independent scientific partners, such as leading universities, institutes and other independent scientific institutions.
Industrial, production, service, transport and trading companies in the Energy World, as well as governmental and other organizations may request us to provide them with the GEC-ESG Rating.
Global Energy News
GEC Publications
The Global Energy Council is committed to research and publication of scientific results and continuously publishes in the appropriate form and medias reports and opinions on matters related to Global Energy.